понедельник, 20 апреля 2015 г.

17 Workout Tricks to Get Fit Fast

17 Workout Tricks to Get Fit Fast

Have bad habits crept up? There was a time when you had your act together and a regular workout routine, but you woke up one day and realized that it had been far too long since you have been to the gym and now you don’t even know where to start?

Been there! Today’s post about getting back to healthy living with a workout routine, is sponsored by Fisher Nut Exactly Snack Bites. They believe so strongly about the need to create healthy workout routine habits that they have a giveaway of $50 (and 5 snack bags) to the person who shares with us their tip for not burning out – of working out! Head over to our Facebook page to participate!

17 fitness tricks

How to Get Into A Workout Routine.

Besides picking a time to workout, try downloading a workout podcast, or even a TV show that you are only “allowed” to listen to/watch while you are exercising. Keeping your mind occupied while you work out is a great way to pass the time!


Workout Hacks

Don’t forget to bring (and drink) your water! Staying hydrated is an important part of a workout routine. To help keep you on-track, and develop healthy drinking habits, consider making time goals to reach throughout the day. We used a washable chalk marker so I can change the times, by the day or circumstance. Don’t worry, it is smudge proof – not like regular chalk.

Add frozen fruit to your water! Quit the sugar and soda habit! Adding frozen fruit to your water makes it less boring and brings a slight flavor, making water easier to drink.


Before and after your workout routine eat a small snack with protien and carbs. The carbs will help replenish your energy level and the protien will help you recover faster from your workout, so you can build more muscle, AND will help satisfy, so you’ll be less hungry later!

Fisher Nut Exactly Snack bites are the perfect combination of carbs and protiens, mixed with “reward”. At only 15-16 calories per bite they are the perfect post work-out snack!

They come in 4 different flavors: Almond Popcorn Dipped in Milk Chocolate, Almond Popcorn Dipped in Dark Chocolate, Pecan Popcorn Dipped in Salted Caramel and Peanut Popcorn Dipped in Peanut Butter

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Fitness Tips

You don’t need a gym to get fit! Make little changes to your day – you can do wall squats for two minutes a day as you brush your teeth each evening.

Add lunges or squats to your laundy routine. Every time you pull a clothing item out of your bin do a squat. By the time your bin is empty your thighs will be burning!! And your laundry will be started!

Don’t have a lot of time?? Get a weighted vest and wear it for a short – but brisk – walk. You will get the added benefit from resistance meaning less time to get the same effects!

binder clip tip

Keep track of your earbuds while you work out! No more fishing them off the ground or wherever and breaking your stride or workout flow. Use a binder clip to attach the wires to your shirt.

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Do you get bored in your routine?? Make a cup of different workout challenges. As you finish a task move it to the empty cup – repeat until your original cup is empty. Every day, every workout will be different, and boredom won’t be an issue.


Having a hard time making it to the next level?

Try this!! Seriously, it works! Play video games while you are on your exercise bike. When the “challenges” come and the tension of the game rises, you will peddal faster and faster without even realizing it!

running tip

Easy Fitness Tips

Do you think there is no hope? Start small, even small changes when you repeat them over and over again can make a big effect in the longrun. Try doing a minute a day, and adding a minute each day.

Get an app that can help keep you on-focus. I personally like the app, Tabata – perk, it is FREE! I get bored easily and it breaks my workouts into quick bursts. It is easy to start with one minute, and add more and more to your day.

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Thank you Fisher Nut Exactly for encouraging and inspiring us to develop healthy fitness routines!

Fisher Nut Exactly are available at retailers nationwide – find a store here. This tasty snack is a combination of roasted nuts and whole grain popcorn, the perfect combination of sweet and savory!! You’ll love this crunchy bite-sized combination that is dipped in milk chocolate, dark chocolate, peanut butter or salted caramel. For more information about Nut Exactly flavors and product availability, check out www.FisherNutExactly.com


Prize package includes an assortment of the Fisher NUT EXACTLY snack bite varieties and a $50 Visa Gift Card. Head over to Facebook page to learn more!

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Fisher . The opinions and text are all mine.

Original article and pictures take cdn.onecrazyhouse.com site

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