четверг, 8 декабря 2016 г.

Lower Body Circuit Workout

Lower Body Circuit Workout

Hi friends! How’s the day going? It’s been gloomy and kind of cold over here (people with real autumns can tilt their heads back and laugh), and fall is definitely in the air. I love it!!

I taught a packed spin class last night, and then the Pilot and I enjoyed a little date night at Seasons 52.

I’ve felt motivated to clean up my eats this week, mainly because we’ve eaten a lot of takeout since our Tucson trip. We have a fridge packed with protein and produce, and it’s been much easier to make salads and smoothies during the day. It’s funny because I feel like it’s common to see a surge in motivation with eats and fitness right before summer, but for me it usually happens between fall and winter. File that under things that don’t really make sense?

As I mentioned before, I’ve been trying to kick up my strength training with an emphasis on lower body. In the spirit of Squatember, here’s a new circuit workout for ya!

An intense quick lower body circuit workout. Perfect for Squatember and going after those leg strength goals this fall! fitnessista.com

Some form cues and tips:

This workout is meant to be done circuit-style, so you complete 1 round of each workout before quickly moving to the next. Once you’ve made your way through the circuit, you can repeat the entire thing up 2 more times (=3 total times through). As always, talk with a doctor before making any fitness changes. Honor your body and modify as needed. Since this one includes some single leg exercises, jumps (which can be modified for impact) and lots of flexion at the knee joint, I wouldn’t recommend this one if you have knee concerns.

Lower body circuit workout

The exercises: (+ some modifications)


Kettlebell swing: ground into your feet and stand hip-width apart. Hold the kettlebell in between your knees and start to gently swing it so you can gain some momentum. When you’re ready, power through your hips, glutes and core to swing the weight up to shoulder height, then bend your knees, swinging it back to start. Remember that you are NOT using your arms to lift the weight; this is pure glute and core power. Every time the weight goes up, make sure you’re strongly exhaling.

Weighted lunges

Calf raises: hold heavy dumbbell or kettlebell and stand with feet hip-width apart. As you exhale, squeeze your glutes and rise up onto your toes. Inhale to lower halfway down and exhale to repeat.

Rotating squat jumps: Start facing one side and sink low into a squat. Jump 180 degrees, and land with a soft knee to squat on the opposite side. To minimize impact, walk 180 degrees to squat on the other side.

Single leg TRX squat: stand holding the TRX straps and step away from the base. Extend one leg forward and lift it up to just below hip height. Flex your feet. Keeping your arms straight and chest lifted, sink down and back into your squat. Make your your standing knee doesn’t extend past those toes. Exhale and squeeze to rise. (If you don’t have a TRX, a split squat is a great substitute.)

Jumping lunges: be sure to land with a soft knee before sinking down into your lunge. To modify, do quick stationary or walking lunges instead.

Let me know if you give it a try! I’ll see ya back here soon with some adventures from the weekend.



Original article and pictures take fitnessista.com site

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