среда, 1 февраля 2017 г.

No More Bat Wings – Arm Workout For Women

No More Bat Wings – Arm Workout For Women

arm workout for women

Get ready to say sayonara to your bat wings ladies!

My Arm Workout For Women is here to save the mother effing day!

Ok, seriously ladies why are we all so freaked out about working out the muscles in our arms. It’s like we would rather torture ourselves for endless hours on the treadmill and not lose a damn pound before we would EVER step foot in the weights section of the gym. And if we are willing to pick up some weights for a little arm workout sesh we decide that the 2 lb weights are fine because “we don’t want to bulk up and look like the Hulk.” And also just to be clear, just because this says its an “Arm Workout For Women” doesn’t mean its just for women. To be honest there are really no workouts that should be just for one gender.

Let me make one thing very very clear, you cannot and will not bulk up even using heavier, more challenging weights. (Gasp) YES! It’s true!

We, as women, simply do not produce enough testosterone to bulk up quickly like males, which is one of the main hormones that boosts muscle growth. Us ladies have a typical range of 6-86 ng/dl (nanograms per deciliter, yeah I had to google that one). While men, on the other hand, have a normal range of 270-1100. That’s more than TEN times the amount have!

What if I just want to tone my arms?

Then you need to take your little booty over and pick up some heavier, more challenging weights.

Here’s the thing about fat-loss — you can’t target it. By that I mean you can’t go and do 200 crunches, followed by 150 squats and expect for the fat around your abs and butt to start disappearing. I wish so much that our bodies worked like this but it just simply isn’t true.

So while you could totally go and pick up those baby rattle weights and do hundreds of arm exercises, the chances of you seeing any significant changes are slim to none. Sorry sista

BUT here’s the good news!

You CAN tone your arms by using heavier, more challenging weights! Sound the woman tribe rally cry! Hallelujah, we’ve found a solution for these bat wings!

Think of it like this — since you can’t target fat loss you might as well shape that muscle underneath. That is what is going to give you that toned look you want.

Also, the more muscle you have one your body more your body turns into a fat-burning machine. When I stopped wasting time doing cardio and started getting serious about lifting weights I couldn’t believe the INSANE and seriously sexy, awesome changes my body went through. ( Shameless plug here — I’ve created a full on 4-week workout program called “Lift Your Way Lean” which you can get by clicking here but I digress. )

Enough of the chit-chat lets sweat! Let the No More Bat Wings – Arm Workout For Women begin!

how to get rid of bat wings


☽ 1 Dumbbell (I suggest this one)

☽ Water Bottle (I love this kind)

☽ A Yoga Mat (Like this) *optional

1. Bicep Curls

Sounds easy enough right? Well, I wanna make sure you’re doing this one right. None of that sissy arm flailing I so often see.

bicep curl

☽ Stand with medium-weight dumbbells in each hand

☽ Starting with your arms extended all the way down and your palms facing forward

☽ Raise the dumbbells up creating a 45-degree angle with your bicep and forearm

☽ Pause at the top

☽ Slowly bring arms back to starting position

☽ As with most exercises, isolation is key. Try not to move your elbows around or use momentum to raise the dumbbells. If you are you probably need to drop the weight.

☽ Repeat 10-12 times

☽ Perform 3-4 sets with a 60-second break in between sets

☽ If you’re getting to 12 reps and you feel like you could do several more reps you need to bump up the weight sista!

2. Standing Inner Bicep Curls

Just a little tweak from that last exercise but works your biceps in a whole new way.

inner biceps

☽ Stand with medium-weight dumbbells in each hand

☽ Starting with your arms extended all the way down and your palms facing forward

☽ Slightly different from the last exercise, however, you’ll slightly point your arms outward instead of directly in front of you

☽ Raise the dumbbells up creating a 45-degree angle with your bicep and forearm

☽ Pause at the top

☽ Slowly bring arms back to starting position

☽ As with most exercises, isolation is key. Try not to move your elbows around or use momentum to raise the dumbbells. If you are you probably need to drop the weight.

☽ Repeat 10-12 times

☽ Perform 3-4 sets with a 60-second break in between sets

☽ If you’re getting to 12 reps and you feel like you could do several more reps you need to bump up the weight sista!

3. Standing Tricep Extension

There’s a secret to getting these right and I’ll share it below.

standing tricep extensions

☽ Stand with one medium-heavy dumbbell

☽ Starting with your arms extended over your head grasping the dumbbell with both hands just in between your shoulder blades

☽ Slowly raise the dumbbell up to extend/straighten your arms over your head

☽ Pause at the top

☽ Slowly bring arms back to starting position

☽ Here’s the secret to making sure this really isolates your triceps, you must keep your elbow close together throughout the entire exercise

☽ Repeat 10-12 times

☽ Perform 3-4 sets with a 60-second break in between sets

4. Single-Single-Double Hammer Curls

Sounds like a rap song from the 90’s. These are similar to bicep curls only this time your palms will be facing toward each other.

arm exercises for women

☽ Stand with medium-weight dumbbells in each hand

☽ Starting with your arms extended all the way down and your palms facing toward each other

☽ Raise one dumbbell up creating a 45-degree angle with your bicep and forearm

☽ Next repeat on the other side

☽ Then bring both dumbells up at the same time – get it? Single-single-double

☽ You can even say it out loud or in your head “Single. Single. Double.”

☽ As with most exercises, isolation is key. Try not to move your elbows around or use momentum to raise the dumbbells. If you are you probably need to drop the weight.

☽ Repeat 10-12 times

☽ Perform 3-4 sets with a 60-second break in between sets

5. Skull Crushers

No not a move that you would perform on someone trying to rob you, although it does sound pretty accurate.

skull crushers

☽ With two light-weight dumbbells in hand lie down on the floor

☽ Hold the dumbells with your arms up creating a 90-degree angle (see photo 1 above)

☽ You palms should be facing upward

☽ Slowly straighten your arms extending them up overhead

☽ Slowly lower the dumbbells back down

☽ It’s imperative that you’re not using too heavy of weights here and that you have a good grip on the dumbbells or you might just give yourself an at home nose job while you’re at it

☽ It’s also important to try to keep your elbows stationary. All of the movement should be coming from your forearm

☽ Repeat 10-12 times

☽ Perform 3-4 sets with a 60-second break in between sets

☽ Don’t forget to give your little one hugs while they try to tackle you when you’re working out

6. Single Arm Tricep Extensions

Looks easier than it really is. These bad boys will have your triceps screaming by the end.

tricep extensions

☽ Start with one light-weight dumbbell

☽ Using a chair, table, bed, cat house, whatever stable surface you have in the house, bend over placing your weight on one arm and the opposite leg (see photos above because that’s a tough one to explain ok?)

☽ Bend over and bring your elbow up far enough so your bicep is parallel to the floor

☽ This is your starting position (photo 1 above)

☽ Now keeping your arm tucked in tight to you body, raise the dumbells to extend your arm behind you

☽ Slowly lower the dumbbell back down to the starting position

☽ The key here, perhaps you’re seeing a trend by now, is to make sure you keep your elbow stationary. All of the movement should be coming from your forearm.

☽ Repeat 10-12 times

☽ Perform 3-4 sets with a 60-second break in between sets

And you’re done!

I hope you loved this workout! If you tried it I would love to hear your feedback. Were you sore the next day? Are you seeing changes in your body from using weights? Please feel free to share in the comments below!


Samantha Hauger

At Home Shoulder Workout For Sexy Shoulders How To Get Rid Of Back Fat – Bye-Bye Back Fat Workout At Home Boob Lift – Home Workout

Original article and pictures take i1.wp.com site

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