четверг, 19 марта 2015 г.

12 Week Transform To Fit Workout Program – Week 1

12 Week Transform To Fit Workout Program – Week 1
BBH Transform To Fit_main2

I’m so happy you’ve decided to follow along my latest 12 week program! First things first, I wanted to give you a summary of what the program is all about.

I created this program for women, like myself, who are busy and want to get the most out of their workouts. When I post programs and workouts, they are ones I’m actually doing right alongside with you. I feel this style of workouts give me the best results and help keep me lean, so if they work great for me, I think they’ll work great for you too!

Combination training where you incorporate weight training with heart pumping cardio in the same workout will leave you feeling strong and sweaty, and feeling like you got a fantastic workout in just under an hour. I typically burn at least 500 calories in every workout (I’m around 130 lbs, so the more you weigh generally the more calories you’ll burn). But unlike cardio-only, you’re using resistance training so you’re building some muscle to get that lean look and when you have more muscle, you burn more calories at rest! The body adapts to steady state cardio so quickly, so after a short time, you’ll stop getting results. But when you incorporate weight training such as this, your body isn’t adapting nearly as quickly, therefore you get results faster.

Each week, the workouts change. There is no repetition. You may do some of the same exercises, but the workout will be entirely different.

This program can be done easily on your own, with a partner or in a group of three. I created the workouts to be done in a gym setting, but if you have a decent setup at home, there is a great option to do it at home with a few small modifications based on the equipment you have.

How this program is different from Body Assault? Many have asked how this program is different from my other 12 week program, Body Assault. Its similar in the fact that its split up by body parts the same way, and that you’re heart rate will be high throughout the workout for maximum fat burning.

The difference with Transform To Fit is that you’re lifting slightly heavier as I want you to max out at 10 reps, then drop the weight to finish the last 10 reps to fully exhaust the muscle and help build up your strength. The superset is also working the same muscle group, whereas with Body Assault, you’d do one exercise in that muscle group, then a plyo exercise which would focus on a different muscle group. Also, with Transform To Fit, you’re doing a dedicated 30 second cardio blast component at the end of each series and you’re doing 4 sets instead of 3 and 3 series of exercises instead of 5 to 6 as was the case with Body Assault. I also have a dedicated abdominal day which I didn’t have in Body Assault as abs were worked into each day. So, both are effective workout programs that are a great switch up.


IMPORTANT: If the exercise says 20 reps, I want you to pick a weight that you’ll reach failure after 10 reps. Then drop your weight and do the last 10 reps.

– If you’re a beginner to weight training in general, be very mindful of your form, and start out with lighter weights and work your way up.

– Rest as little as possible. Move quickly from one exercise to the next in the series. Take a short rest after the third exercise (20 seconds or so), then move onto the next set.

– This program is structured with 5 workouts per week. This is what I do personally. If you’d like to workout 6 days a week, I’d recommend doing a day of HIIT cardio, or yoga and pilates are great options as well.


Rather than adding in all my nutrition recommendations in this section, I’ve created an entire post about it. See the the new Healthy Sample Meal Plan, which will coincide great with this program. It includes a weeks worth of meal ideas, links to recipes, breakfast and snack suggestions and some of my best tips.

While I’m not a calorie or macro counter myself, I know that some have success counting calories. I would call myself an Intuitive Eater. All my meals are balanced in protein, carbs and fat, and I eat until I’m satisfied (not full). But at the end of the day, its about calories in/calories out, and when you’re lifting weights, you need more protein. An online calculator I like is this calculator. You punch in your weight and your goals, and it will have calorie/macro suggestions. In the past, I’ve had the most success following a balanced approach (40% protein, 30% fat, 30% carbs). But remember – low calorie is not better, and you want to build a strong metabolism, so you won’t yo-yo back to a higher weight.


Any questions, please leave a comment at the bottom of this post, and I’ll answer them. But please understand this is not a custom workout, and I won’t be providing modifications.

If you’re dealing with an injury, best to chat with your doctor or therapist about your workout limitations.

If you’re short on time, or a beginner, I’d recommend doing each set 3 times instead of 4.


I’d love for you to check in to tell me your progress! Leave comments below on the week that you’re following, and connect with me on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, tagging me @busybuthealthy and using the hashtag #T2FIT

Now onto…..the Week 1 workouts!

BBH Transform To Fit_E_Week 1

Week 1

Monday – Shoulders

To Start: 15-20 minutes of interval cardio on your choice of equipment. Stairclimber, stepmill, treadmill, rowing machine, elliptical. Make it difficult to get your heart rate going. Level 10+. If you’re running, do a faster run for 1 minute, and go down to a jog for 1 minute. Then move onto the weights below.

* Every time it asks for 20 reps, I want you to pick a weight where you can do only 10 reps. Then drop to a lighter weight and finish the last 10 reps.

* Do all the sets in each series before moving onto the next group of exercises.

1) Front raise to lateral raise – 20 reps

Then do front plate raise – 20 reps

Cardio Blast: Do 30 seconds of squat jacks

4 sets

2) Dumbbell shoulder press (or shoulder press machine) – 20 reps

Then do barbell upright row to shoulder press – 20 reps

Cardio Blast: Do 30 seconds of walk outs with pushups

4 sets

3) Dumbbell palms in shoulder press – 20 reps

Then do reverse flies (cable or dumbbells) – 20 reps

Cardio Blast: Do 30 seconds of mountain climbers with shoulder taps

4 sets

Finisher: Drop set of dumbbell lateral raises. Eg. 10 reps at 15 lbs, then do 10 reps at 12 lbs, then do 10 reps at 10 lbs, then 10 reps at 5 lbs. With little to no rest in between.

1 set

Tuesday – Legs/Butt

To Start: 15-20 minutes of interval cardio on your choice of equipment. Stairclimber, stepmill, treadmill, rowing machine, elliptical. Make it difficult to get your heart rate going. Level 10+. If you’re running, do a faster run for 1 minute, and go down to a jog for 1 minute. Then move onto the weights below.

* Every time it asks for 20 reps, I want you to pick a weight where you can do only 10 reps. Then drop to a lighter weight and finish the last 10 reps.

* Do all the sets in each series before moving onto the next group of exercises.

1) Leg press – 20 reps

Then do walking dumbbell lunges – 20 reps

Cardio Blast: 30 seconds of jumping lunges

4 sets

2) Leg curls – 20 reps

Then do straight legged deadlifts with barbell or dumbbells – 20 reps

Cardio Blast: 30 seconds of pulsing curtsy lunges (15 seconds per leg)

4 sets

3) Standing hip extensions – 15 reps per leg

Then do single leg cable kickbacks low pulley – 15 reps per leg

Cardio Blast: 30 seconds of jumping with arms above your head then crouch down and touch the floor

4 reps

Finisher: Dumbbell step ups – 20 reps per leg

3 sets

Wednesday – Back/Chest

To Start: 15-20 minutes of interval cardio on your choice of equipment. Stairclimber, stepmill, treadmill, rowing machine, elliptical. Make it difficult to get your heart rate going. Level 10+. If you’re running, do a faster run for 1 minute, and go down to a jog for 1 minute. Then move onto the weights below.

* Every time it asks for 20 reps, I want you to pick a weight where you can do only 10 reps. Then drop to a lighter weight and finish the last 10 reps.

* Do all the sets in each series before moving onto the next group of exercises.

1) Parallel grip pullups (assisted) – 20 reps

Then do dumbbell bent over rows – 10 reps per arm

Cardio Blast: 30 seconds of narrow pushups (on toes or drop to knees)

4 sets

2) Seated row – 20 reps

Then do lat pulldowns – 20 reps

Cardio Blast: 30 seconds of wide pushups (on toes or drop to knees)

4 sets

3) Inverted rows (on smith machine or TRX) – 20 reps

Then do chest press – 20 reps

Cardio Blast: 30 seconds of tuck jumps

4 sets

Finisher: Smith machine bent over rows – 15 reps

3 sets

Thursday – Biceps/Triceps

To Start: 15-20 minutes of interval cardio on your choice of equipment. Stairclimber, stepmill, treadmill, rowing machine, elliptical. Make it difficult to get your heart rate going. Level 10+. If you’re running, do a faster run for 1 minute, and go down to a jog for 1 minute. Then move onto the weights below.

* Every time it asks for 20 reps unless otherwise noted *, I want you to pick a weight where you can do only 10 reps. Then drop to a lighter weight and finish the last 10 reps.

* Do all the sets in each series before moving onto the next group of exercises.

1) Barbell prone incline curls – 20 reps (* use same weight for 20 reps)

Then do deadlifts into barbell curls – 20 reps (* use same weight for 20 reps)

Cardio Blast: 30 seconds of jumping jacks

4 sets

2) Wide grip barbell curls – 20 reps

Then do hammer curls – 20 reps

Cardio Blast: 30 seconds of sprinting on the treadmill

4 sets

3) Cable bent over triceps extension – 20 reps

Then do bench dips (feet on other bench or on floor) – 30 reps

Cardio Blast: 30 seconds of clap pushups

4 sets

Finisher: Assisted triceps dips to failure

3 sets

Friday – Abs

* Do all the sets in each series before moving onto the next group of exercises.

To Start: 15-20 minutes of interval cardio on your choice of equipment. Stairclimber, stepmill, treadmill, rowing machine, elliptical. Make it difficult to get your heart rate going. Level 10+. If you’re running, do a faster run for 1 minute, and go down to a jog for 1 minute. Then move onto the exercises below.

1) Prone plank – hold for 1 minute

Then do reverse crunches – 25 reps

Cardio Blast: 30 seconds of half burpees

4 sets

2) Rope crunches – 25 reps

Then do v-ups – 25 reps

Cardio Blast: 30 seconds of mountain climbers

4 sets

3) Hanging leg raises – 20 reps

Then do bicycle crunches – 30 reps

Cardio Blast: 30 seconds of side bridges (15 seconds per side)

4 sets

Finisher: Crunches on ball (or floor) – to failure

1 set

Tagged as: Transform To Fit, Week 1, Workouts

Original article and pictures take www.busybuthealthy.com site

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